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The President of Tajikistan announced an increase in electric power capacity

02 октября 2023
Views: 86

Tajikistan's energy capacity will soon increase by 4 thousand megawatts through the construction of new hydroelectric power plants and the reconstruction of existing ones, said the country's President Emomali Rahmon.

In his video message to the participants of the International Forum “Dushanbe-2023” on September 29, he noted that hydropower, the resources of which are used in the country by only 4-5%, is considered one of the most important areas for ensuring the further development of the economy of our country; many investment projects are being implemented in this direction.

  The President emphasized that one of the largest hydropower projects is currently being implemented in the country - the Rogun hydroelectric power plant with a capacity of 3,800 megawatts, which has the ability to provide “clean” electricity not only to our country, but also to the countries of the region.

“In recent years, more than 1,300 megawatts of additional capacity have been commissioned to continuously supply the population and producers with green energy,” he said.

Emomali Rahmon noted that Tajikistan’s potential for producing “green energy” from renewable sources is very wide, since our country is located in the “sunny belt of the world”, the duration of sunny days ranges from 2000 to 3000 hours a year.

He recalled that products produced using green energy are exempt from environmental taxes, including carbon gas taxes, in most developed countries of the world.

It should be noted that on September 28, Barki Tojik OJSC warned of a shortage of electricity in the autumn-winter period in Tajikistan.

The report says that the main source of the country's water and energy resources, the reservoir of the Nurek hydroelectric power plant, is filled with water to its end point.

“However, the actual volume of water inflow compared to last year and the long-term average is much less,” the report said.

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