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The prime ministers of the EAEU countries approved the rules for access to interstate electricity transmission services

06 февраля 2023
Views: 353

The Eurasian Intergovernmental Council, whose meeting was held on February 2-3 in Almaty, approved the rules for access to services for the interstate transmission of electricity (capacity) within the framework of the common electricity market of the EAEU.

At a briefing following the meeting, EEC official representative Iya Malkina noted that the EAEU continues the process of liberalizing the common energy market.

In 2017, the heads of state adopted the concept of forming a common electric power market of the EAEU and the corresponding program. “Nevertheless, in order to ensure electricity trade, it was necessary to adopt a number of documents within the framework of the union law, which were discussed today, among other things,” she said. “We hope that these documents, which were adopted today, will make it possible to ensure electricity trade on a common market. To do this, we plan to use the existing sites of Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan at the first stage."

The rules approved by the prime ministers are the first in a package needed to launch a common electricity market. They provide non-discriminatory access to the transit of electricity when trading it on the EAEU common electricity market, as well as the necessary conditions for the reliable functioning of national electricity markets.

The document will enter into force on January 1, 2025, simultaneously with the rules for mutual trade in electricity, the rules for determining and distributing the capacity of interstate transmission lines and the rules for information exchange in the common electricity market. With the introduction of all these acts, the EAEU common electricity market will begin to function.

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