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The Republic of Kazakhstan reviewed the progress of projects in the areas of renewable energy and healthcare

10 ноября 2021
Views: 343

At a meeting of the Investment Headquarters, chaired by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askar Mamin, the progress of investment projects implementation in the field of renewable energy and healthcare was considered.

Energy Minister Magzum Mirzagaliyev and Chairman of the Board of Samruk-Kazyna NWF JSC Almasadam Satkaliyev reported on the status of investment projects in the field of renewable energy in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

So, since 2014, 780 billion tenge has been attracted, incl. 150 billion tenge for 9 months of this year 126 renewable energy facilities were commissioned with a total power generation capacity of 1,975 MW, more than 2,000 permanent jobs were created.

41% of electricity from renewable energy sources is produced at solar power plants, 35% at wind power plants, 23.8% at small hydroelectric power plants.

By 2030, the share of renewable energy sources in the structure of electricity generation is planned to increase from the existing 3% to 15%. To achieve this indicator, it is necessary to commission 7 GW of new RES capacities, which will attract 3 trillion tenge investments in the industry.

Currently, the Government of Kazakhstan has reached agreements with the Arab company "ADQ" and the French company "Total Energies". Large-scale projects involve the phased introduction of 5 GW of new renewable energy capacities in the next 10 years. The implementation of joint investment projects will reduce the volume of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere by 8 million tons, produce an additional 20 billion kWh of green energy and create 3,000 jobs.

To create favorable conditions for investors on the basis of the Settlement and Financial Center, it is proposed to introduce the principle of a "Single Window", to settle the issue of concluding bilateral contracts between an energy producing organization using renewable energy sources and consumers, and also to simplify the procedure for drawing up an arbitration agreement in order to protect the interests of investors.

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