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The results of the activities of the State Production Association "Belenergo" for 2022 and the tasks for 2023 were considered during the off-site meeting of the Association's Council

21 февраля 2023
Views: 259

On February 17, on the basis of the branch "Beloozerskenergoremont" of RUE "Brestenergo", an off-site meeting of the Council of the State Production Association "Belenergo" was held on the results of work in 2022 and the tasks for the current year. The event was attended by Minister of Energy Viktor Karankevich, Chairman of the Republican Committee of the Belenergotopgaz Trade Union Igor Zhur, Chairman of the Republican Council of the Republican Public Association of Energy Veterans Evgeny Skalaban, members of the Council, heads of organizations of the association and heads of structural divisions of the management apparatus.

During the meeting, the issue of fulfillment of the brought key indicators, technical and economic indicators of the energy system was considered. This was reported by the head of the production and technical department of the State Production Association "Belenergo" Tamara Antropova.

Key indicators were met by organizations in full. In 2022, the generation of electricity by energy sources of State Production Association Belenergo amounted to 35.4 billion kWh. Technological energy consumption for its transportation in electric networks amounted to 8.03%, in thermal networks - 7.36%. The volume of saving fuel and energy resources through the implementation of energy saving measures amounted to 94.4 thousand tons of standard fuel. All RUE regional daughter companies have fulfilled the established tasks for the use of local fuel and energy resources, including renewable energy sources, the use of MW at energy sources.

The report of the First Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer of Belenergo State Production Association Yury Shmakov was devoted to the issues of ensuring the reliable operation of equipment, repair campaign, the state of labor protection, safety precautions, and injury prevention.

As a result of the repair campaign, capital and medium repairs of 86 units of heat engineering equipment were completed. Electrical equipment was repaired: 11 generators, 8 power transformers, 10 high-voltage circuit breakers, complex repairs of 169 35-110 kV substations were carried out. More than 22.8 thousand km of power transmission lines of all voltage classes were overhauled. The glades were cleared on an area of more than 17,000 hectares. Works on the removal of dangerous trees in the forest strips adjacent to the clearings of power lines have been completed in full. 1.1 thousand km of wires were replaced with insulated wires on overhead lines passing through the lands of the forest fund. Widened clearings on 238 overhead lines 35-330 kV with a length of 941 km, on an area of 1.85 thousand hectares. Repair and construction of heating networks were completed in the amount of 200.65 km in one-pipe terms.

In terms of improving the reliability of the distribution power grids, the chief engineer identified three main areas: replacing conventional wire with insulated wire, replacing overhead lines with cable ones, and automating distribution power networks.

As the main tasks for 2023, Yury Anatolyevich outlined:

  • achieving the goals set in accordance with the Industrial Safety Strategy of the Ministry of Energy; progressive movement to introduce and improve the Zero Injury Concept;
  • reducing the number of failures in the operation of all types of equipment;
  • fulfilling schedules for all types of repairs of heat engineering, electrical equipment, thermal and electrical networks, buildings and structures,planned measures to improve the reliability of heat and electrical equipment;
  • improve the overall culture of production.

Yury Mitkovets, Deputy Director General of State Production Association "Belenergo", presented the results of the implementation of the most important investment projects last year.

In 2022, the first stage of the second and third start-up complex at the Minsk CHPP-3 was completed. At the Mogilev CHPP-2, the turbine station No. 3 was reconstructed. The construction of the closed substation 110/10/6 kV "Brest-Zapadnaya", the reconstruction of the substation 110 kV "Auls", the substation 110 kV "Khimzavod", the substation 35 kV "Ostroshitsky Gorodok" (the first and second stages of construction of the first start-up complex) were completed. At the 330 kV Gomselmash substation, the installation of reactive power compensation facilities was completed, and at the 330 kV Grodno Yuzhnaya substation, the installation of an unregulated shunt reactor was completed.

Yury Petrovich also spoke about the digitalization of investment activities in the unification and implementation of the software product "Information System for Monitoring Investment Activities".

Deputy Director General of State Production Association Belenergo Alexander Torch informed about the results of the work of State Production Association Belenergo on import substitution, export of goods and reduction in the total stock of goods and materials in warehouses. The issue of assessing the effectiveness of the activities of the organizations of the State Production Association "Belenergo" in the field of procurement of goods was also raised.

Andrey Shershen, Deputy Director General of State Production Association "Belenergo", in his report spoke about the state of consumer payments for the supplied energy. It was noted that according to the results for 2022, Belenergo provided 100% collection of funds for energy supplied to consumers. As of the beginning of 2023, 4.5 million single-phase electricity meters are in operation in the republic, of which 90.56% are electronic, and 710 thousand three-phase meters, of which 85.58% are electronic. The results of automation in marketing activities and the work of energy supply organizations to create and modernize the "Personal Account" service for legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and individuals are also considered.

The results of the financial and economic activities of organizations and the fulfillment of indicators of business plans for the development of organizations were reflected in the report of Tatyana Ulashchik, Deputy General Director of the State Production Association "Belenergo". There was a significant improvement in the performance of agricultural branches, especially RUE "Grodnoenergo" and RUE "Minskenergo". The economic effect from the implementation of the action plan to reduce costs in general for all organizations for 2022 amounted to 85.5 million rubles.

During the meeting, reports were also heard on the implementation of the requirements of the Directives of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 1 “On measures to strengthen public security and discipline”, No. 2 “On debureaucratization of the state apparatus and improving the quality of life support for the population” and Decree No. 5 “On strengthening the requirements for management personnel and employees of organizations”, on anti-corruption and information activities.

Igor Zhur, Chairman of the Republican Committee of the Belarusian Trade Union of Energy, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers, reported on the implementation of the sectoral tariff agreement and the activities of the sectoral trade union in 2022 by the organizations of the association.

The trade union took measures to prevent social tension in the collectives, assisted in achieving the efficiency of the work of organizations, in strengthening labor discipline, order and organization in production, resolved issues of protecting labor and socio-economic rights and interests of workers, exercised public control over compliance with the law.

The heads of organizations discussed proposals for inclusion in the minutes of the Council and the existing problematic issues. Based on the results of the meeting, the work plan of the Board of State Production Association "Belenergo" for 2023 was approved.

Summing up the meeting, Minister of Energy Viktor Karankevich focused on the unconditional implementation of all plans and programs.

In matters of network construction and reconstruction of electrical networks, Viktor Mikhailovich asked for a rational approach to spending funds, taking into account the demand for reconstruction for each specific settlement and region, using the criteria that were developed earlier. All measures to improve the reliability of the electric grid complex should be solved by the most rational technical measures.

In terms of increasing electricity consumption, the Minister drew attention to the need to strictly follow the promising 5-year plans to increase the transmission capacity of electricity networks for the use of electricity for heating and hot water supply. It is also necessary to maintain the proper level of interaction with the republican operator of the network of charging stations to ensure the development of the charging infrastructure.

Addressing the management, Viktor Mikhailovich emphasized that managers must clearly understand the tasks facing organizations in the industry, quickly respond to the challenges of the time and external factors. Separately, he dwelled on the issues of improving work efficiency, reducing costs, paid special attention to the implementation of the requirements of Directive No. 1, work with personnel and youth.

Viktor Mikhailovich also paid attention to the issue of unification of the organizational structures of the management apparatuses of energy supplying organizations. This will allow the most optimal implementation of system-wide solutions, such as: an information system for investment activities, a procurement management system, labor protection standards, etc.

“The energy system is developing dynamically thanks to the support of the Head of State and the Government, despite all the difficulties, a reliable and stable supply of energy resources to consumers is ensured, the system works reliably,” Viktor Karankevich emphasized, the teams worked responsibly with a high level of professionalism, but in no case should we stop on what has already been achieved, I wish you further success and achievements for the benefit of not only the energy system, but also of our native Belarus.”

The Chairman of the Council - General Director of Belenergo State Production Association Pavel Drozd also thanked the leaders and teams of the organizations of the Association for the work done in 2022, for meeting the achieved indicators and ensuring reliable and uninterrupted power supply to consumers.

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