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The results of the work of the Russian National Committee of CIGRE in 2023 have been summed up

18 декабря 2023
Views: 73

Participation in research by CIGRE, the largest scientific and technical association in the electric power industry, which unites scientists and experts from more than 100 countries, allows domestic specialists to develop business contacts and develop competencies. This was stated by the head of the Russian National Committee (RNC) of CIGRE, First Deputy General Director of PJSC Rosseti Andrey Murov during the regular general meeting of members of the organization (XXII Assembly) and the annual final meeting with the heads of leading scientific and technical partners.

“CIGRE is a constructive and non-politicized platform that allows us to see the global picture of the development of our industry. The association is focused on solving real-life problems faced by energy companies and equipment manufacturers around the world. The research being carried out is of practical importance. The active participation of Russian representatives in this work is important for solving the problems of technological development of the domestic energy sector in accordance with current trends,” said Andrey Murov.

The meeting approved an updated mechanism for rewarding the most active members of the community. The results of the work of the RNC Youth Section, which is one of the largest in the world, were also reviewed. In 2023, more than 6 thousand students, graduate students, scientists and specialists from universities and industry companies in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan took part in its events.

Andrey Murov emphasized that the committee is currently preparing for the 50th CIGRE Session, which will be held in August 2024. Its key topics should be: the transition to Industry 5.0, digitalization, the spread of active distribution networks in combination with the growth of renewable energy sources, long-term planning of energy facilities with a horizon of up to 50 years, the development of cross-border connections, the creation of new hydrogen and storage technologies. It is planned that the discussion part of the event will include several dozen reports by Russian experts.

RNC remains one of the largest in Europe. At the end of the year, its membership was replenished with 130 new individual and collective members.

CIGRE is one of the most authoritative scientific and technical associations in the world. Domestic specialists have been taking part in its work since 1923. Since 2015, the Russian National Committee of CIGRE has been headed by First Deputy General Director of PJSC Rosseti Andrey Murov.

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