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The Russian Federation has developed the National Standard in the field of energy management system

20 апреля 2023
Views: 94

Rosstandart approved the national standard of the Russian Federation GOST R ISO 50001-2023 “Energy management systems. Requirements and guidelines for use. It was prepared by the Russian Energy Agency of the Ministry of Energy of Russia and the Association of Energy Service Companies - "RAESCO" and comes into force on June 1, 2023.

The document establishes requirements for the development, implementation, operation and improvement of the energy management system, similar to the requirements of the international standard ISO 50001:2018.

The introduction of the new standard will enable organizations to analyze and improve the energy performance of their activities, which, ultimately, will reduce the cost of using energy resources.

“The final cost of any product includes payment for the energy consumed in its production. By optimizing this item of expenditure, the company can increase the competitiveness of its products. Thus, the new standard can bring practical benefits to domestic manufacturers. An important role in improving the energy performance of companies is played by the initiative of top management aimed at thrifty consumption of resources. The emphasis on this is enshrined in the adopted document,” said Aleksey Tulikov, director for the development of legislation in the fuel and energy complex of the REA of the Ministry of Energy of Russia.

This document replaces the first edition of 2012. Compared with the previous edition, the new version improves the presentation and structure, introduces new definitions, clarifies the concept of "energy analysis", provides additional details regarding the energy data collection plan, as well as other changes and additions.

The national standard is available for review on the website of Rosstandart.

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