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The Russian Federation and Kazakhstan are strengthening cooperation in the field of digital transformation of the electric power industry

19 января 2024
Views: 78

Chairman of the Board of SO UPS JSC Fedor Opadchiy, representatives of the management and experts of the System Operator held a working meeting with a delegation from Kazakhstan, headed by the Vice Minister of Energy of the Republic Bakytzhan Ilyas. One of the main topics of the meeting was a discussion of the issues of digital transformation of the electric power industry and the experience of the System Operator in this area.

Fyodor Opadchiy told foreign guests about the main areas of work and achievements of the company in the field of digitalization, in particular, the successful completion of the project of transition to the new SCADA system OIK SK-11. The head of the company presented projects implemented by the System Operator to create a Common Information Model of the Unified Power System of Russia, unify the exchange of technological data based on CIM standards in the System Operator and digital information exchange with grid and generating companies. Separately, he touched upon regulatory regulation - the development of a series of national standards for the information model of the electric power industry GOST R 58651. He also reviewed the practices of using CIM to solve problems of planning the long-term development of the electric power industry in the Russian Federation.

“The electric power industry of Russia and Kazakhstan is based on the same hierarchy and management principles, we use similar equipment, and we have the same school of device modeling. This gives us a good opportunity for bilateral cooperation. The system operator is ready to share its experience in developing a regulatory framework, including using national standards,” emphasized Fedor Opadchiy.

“It is of particular importance for us to exchange experience with Russian colleagues in the electric power industry and determine the main directions for further cooperation. This will allow us to set the right track for the synchronous development of the power systems of our countries,” noted Bakytzhan Ilyas.

During the meeting with System Operator experts, issues of digital transformation of the electric power industry, as well as the use of automated systems and digital technologies in energy system management, were discussed in more detail. The parties exchanged experience in introducing market mechanisms in the electric power industry and discussed approaches to their use.

Director for Automated Dispatch Control Systems Roman Bogomolov spoke in detail about the ASDUs used by the System Operator, the improvement of these systems, and the basic functionality of the new SCADA - the new generation operational information complex SK-11. He focused on digital projects being implemented in the Unified Power System of Russia, including remote control of equipment and capacity of power plants, systems for monitoring stability reserves, and the use of synchronized vector measurements to solve problems related to managing the regime of the Unified Power System.

Director for Energy Markets and External Relations of SO UPS JSC Andrey Kataev spoke about the experience of applying the procedures of the wholesale electricity and capacity market, the peculiarities of the functioning of the day-ahead market and the balancing market in Russia, as well as the results of the pilot project and further plans for the development of the demand management mechanism.

In turn, Kazakh colleagues spoke about their experience in regulatory and technical regulation of consumers activities with energy-intensive computing, including miners.

The guests visited the Personnel Training Center of the System Operator, where they became acquainted with the features of managing the electrical power regime of the Unified Power System and the operational dispatch control technologies used by the System Operator, key IT solutions, as well as the company’s comprehensive system for training and monitoring the knowledge of dispatchers, the procedure for conducting emergency training for dispatch personnel.


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