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The Russian Federation is ahead of all countries in the number of nuclear power units under construction

14 ноября 2023
Views: 124

Russia is ahead of all countries in the world in the number of nuclear power plant units currently under construction. Such information is contained in the Power Reactor Information System (PRIS) database of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

According to PRIS data, there are currently 58 nuclear power units under construction in the world, of which 23 power units are being built by Russia.

“Indeed, today Rosatom is a leader in the construction of nuclear power units outside the country. It is interesting that today the direct competitors of our state corporation, again, according to PRIS, are three Chinese companies - CNNC, CSPI and CGN. Today they are building 22 power units, but it is worth noting that they are being built primarily within the PRC, and besides, Chinese partners are building 5 of them together with us. If we talk about the Americans and Europeans, then they are significantly behind the leaders,” Alexander Uvarov, director of the ANO Atominfo Center and editor-in-chief of the atominfo.ru resource, commented on the IAEA data.

According to the IAEA, there are currently 412 nuclear power plants operating in different countries in the world, their total capacity is approximately 370.2 GW.

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