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The Russian government has approved the state program “Energy Saving and Increasing Energy Efficiency”

08 сентября 2023
Views: 117

The Russian government has developed and approved a comprehensive state program “Energy saving and increasing energy efficiency,” Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers.

The program was developed on behalf of President Vladimir Putin.

“Its main task is to gradually reduce the use of energy resources per unit of production in Russia by more than a third.” – explained in the government message.

“The President emphasized the need to achieve ambitious goals to reduce the energy intensity of the gross domestic product, and therefore the negative impact on the environment,” Mishustin noted during the meeting.

According to him, “the measures of the state program are aimed at eliminating losses as much as possible and increasing the useful supply of heat and electricity during their production, transmission and consumption in all industries.”

“This will expand the potential for further economic growth and limit the impact of fuel costs on prices, that is, at the same costs, produce more goods and services, while simultaneously reducing harmful emissions and thereby improving the quality of life of people,” the head of government said.

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