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The Russian government approved a new procedure for the decommissioning of power facilities

11 февраля 2021
Views: 2821

The Government of the Russian Federation, by its decree of January 30, 2021, N 86, approved a new procedure for the decommissioning and decommissioning of power lines, equipment and devices that are part of the facilities for the production of electricity (capacity) and power grid facilities.

The decree came into force on January 31 and will be valid until January 28, 2027.

In particular, the approved rules define:

- Conditions and procedure for removal from service of dispatch facilities for repair;

- General conditions and procedure for agreeing on removal from service of dispatch facilities;

- The procedure and conditions for suspending removal from service of the dispatching facility that is part of the facility for the production of electrical energy (power), functioning as part of the Unified Energy System of Russia;

- The procedure for the development and approval of proposals regarding the list of measures to ensure removal from service;

- The procedure for the implementation of measures for the design, construction, reconstruction, modernization and (or) technical re-equipment of power grid facilities.

Amendments were made to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the issue of improving the procedure for the withdrawal of electric power facilities for repair and from operation.

It should be noted that the new procedure provides for information interaction between the owners of dispatching facilities with the System Operator on decommissioning issues exclusively in electronic format using an enhanced qualified electronic signature (EQES).

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