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The Russian government is preparing a new energy strategy

13 апреля 2021
Views: 904

The government of the Russian Federation is working on a strategy called "New Energy" aimed at solving the problems of the climate agenda and reducing CO2 emissions by the Russian fuel and energy complex (FEC), Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Alexander Novak said at the final meeting of the Board of the Ministry of Energy, noting the need for an integrated approach in the development of this strategy. It should reflect current trends and responses to existing challenges, first of all, these are the challenges associated with the climate agenda, and our fuel and energy complex must meet these challenges.

According to the Deputy Prime Minister, the Russian fuel and energy complex is now facing a serious task to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase environmental efficiency.

The head of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation Nikolai Shulginov believes that in connection with the new challenges facing the fuel and energy complex, the Energy Strategy of Russia for the period up to 2035 needs to be updated and the corresponding task is facing the department this year.

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