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The Russian system operator will hold the IV specialized conference on the implementation of CIM in the electric power industry

01 декабря 2023
Views: 78

On February 8–9, 2024, SO UPS JSC will hold ” in Sochi the fourth industry-wide conference “CIM in Russia and the World, dedicated to the unification of information exchange in the electric power industry. The event will be held with the support of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.

“Today CIM stands on the threshold of a qualitatively new stage of development in the Russian energy sector, which is going through a stage of global transformation. The upcoming forum is the most authoritative communication platform within the CIS for the exchange of experience and best practices in the use of this technology, the optimal testing ground for developing a consolidated position on promising directions for its further replication, taking into account the unique features of the UPS of Russia. The main goal of the forum is to consolidate the capabilities of all participants to obtain a synergistic effect in the interests of the entire industry,” emphasized Roman Bogomolov, director of automated dispatch control systems at the System Operator.

According to him, over the past year since the previous conference, the development of CIM in the Russian electric power industry has stepped far forward. In 2023, the importance of technology for the industry has significantly strengthened, and the use of CIM standards has finally established itself as one of the technology trends. Today, the harmonization of information exchange based on CIM between the System Operator and the largest energy companies is being completed.

Using CIM models, work is underway to design power systems within the framework of a new centralized system for planning the long-term development of the industry. The issue of integrating technology into market procedures and investment planning processes is being explored. In collaboration with partners in the synchronous zone of the UPS/IPS, the possibilities of creating a global mutually agreed upon information environment based on CIM on the scale of energy poolare being studied.

“The coming year 2024 will open a new page in the application of technology. In accordance with legal requirements, from January 1, the provision of data to the System Operator for the purposes of operational dispatch control will be carried out strictly in accordance with CIM, the System Operator will begin to disclose its digital models in the specified format, and starting from January 1, 2027, the System Operator will provide calculation models for the purposes of long-term planning of the electric power industry in the CIMXML format. All these innovations require wide discussion in the professional community,” Roman Bogomolov.

Participants will discuss the key features of the development, maintenance and organization of data exchange of digital information models based on CIM, as well as specific practical cases of their use.

Particular attention will be paid to the technical aspects of the enforcement of legislative norms regulating the use of CIM in the industry, as well as improving the regulatory framework in the field of information exchange, including the prospects for the development of a series of national standards GOST R 58651 “Unified Power System and Isolated Power Systems. Information model of the electric power industry.”

The system operator invites employees of energy companies involved in modeling power facilities and power systems, as well as specialists responsible for ensuring the exchange of data from information models, to take part in the conference.

The forum will be of significant interest to designers and software producers who use models of power facilities and power systems, specialists involved in the process of standardization of information exchange, and representatives of specialized departments of higher education institutions.

You can register to participate in the conference using this link.

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