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The scientific and expert community (NEC) of the CIS continues its work

04 ноября 2022
Views: 235

 On November 2, 2022, a joint meeting of the Scientific and Technical Board of NP "NTS UPS", the Section on Problems of Reliability and Safety of Large Power Systems and the Section on Problems of Scientific and Technical Technological Development in the Power Industry of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences for System Research in the Power Industry was held on the topic: "Overview of development trends and experience of distributed energy resources use as of 2022”.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Scientific and Expert Community of the CIS from the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Kazakhstan from leading industrial, scientific and educational institutions, including: JSC "KEGOC", GSTU. ON. Sukhoi, CJSC Scientific Research Institute of Energy, etc.

President of NP NTS UPS, Rector of NRU MPEI., Professor Nikolai Rogalev opened the meeting with an introductory speech welcoming all the participants of the meeting.

PhD Vladislav Samoylenko,  representative of the Russian Federation in SC C6 CIGRE, associate professor of the department "Automated electrical systems" Ural ENIN FGAOU VO "Ural Federal University named after I.I. the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin.

This meeting was the second for the NEC EPC CIS experts in the last month. Earlier, on October 21, 2022, a community representative took part in a joint meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council of NP "NTS UPS" and the section of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the problems of reliability and safety of large energy systems on the topic: "Strategy for the development of nuclear energy in Russia until 2050 and prospects for period until 2100 (Strategy-2021)”. The event was held at a high organizational and scientific level. Information about the meeting can be found at the link: https://mpei.ru/news/Pages/newsItem.aspx?newsID=3247


MPEI, together with the Executive Committee of the EPC of the CIS, is working to organize the interaction of the scientific and expert community in the CIS countries (NEC of the CIS in the field of electric power industry) to optimize innovative development in the energy sector.

Today, the NEC of the CIS includes more than 180 experts in the field of electric power industry from the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, which act as an additional independent mechanism for increasing the relevance, scientific and practical value of the results of the activities of the working structures of the EPC of the CIS.

The activity of the expert community is designed to promote the development and optimization of research activity and innovative development, the formation of conditions for the timely identification of risks of a different nature and the formation of approaches to prevent or minimize their consequences in the field of electric power industry in the territories of the CIS countries.

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