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The second power unit of the Belarusian NPP will be put into commercial operation in the second half of the year

06 февраля 2023
Views: 359

The commissioning of the second power unit of the BelNPP into commercial operation is scheduled for the second half of 2023. Deputy Minister of Energy Mikhail Mikhadyuk announced this today to journalists.

The first trial connection to the network is planned for March-April. Then tests will be carried out. “After we reach 100% capacity and carry out all the required tests, there is still a stage of pilot operation. And the paragon  of these efforts will be the signing of the commissioning act. Commissioning is expected in the second half of the year,” Mikhail Mikhadyuk said.

The first power unit of BelNPP was put into commercial operation June 10, 2021.

The Belarusian nuclear power plant with two VVER-1200 reactors with a total capacity of 2400 MW is being built according to the Russian project "AES-2006", which belongs to the evolutionary projects of nuclear power plants with pressurized water reactors (VVER) of the third generation of increased safety. These reactors  have improved technical and economic indicators. Their main feature is a unique combination of active and passive security systems. The reactor building is covered with a double containment shell. The reactor will not suffer in the event of an earthquake, hurricane, and flood.

VVER technology is by far the most demanded and tested in the world. With its use, over the past decade, nuclear power plants have been put into operation in the PRC and India, and it is also planned to commission nuclear power plants in Egypt, Turkey, Hungary, Bangladesh, and Uzbekistan.

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