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The share of renewable energy generation in the UPS of Russia in October 2021 reached 0.7%

10 ноября 2021
Views: 345

The total generation of renewable energy plants (WPP and SPP) in the UPS of Russia in October 2021 amounted to 667.5 million kWh. As a result, its share in the structure of generation in the power system of the Russian Federation reached 0.7%, as it follows from the data published in the telegram channel of the System Operator.

In September, the total generation of renewable energy plants in the UPS of Russia was at the level of 445.2 million kWh, which corresponded to a 0.5% share in the total generation in the energy system. Thus, relative to September, the share of RES in the structure of generation in the UPS of Russia increased by 0.2% with an increase in the volume of production itself by 1.5 times.

At the same time, the generation of WPPs in October increased relative to October 2020 by 208.2%, - to 491.4 million kWh, by SPPs - by 8.4% - to 176.1 million kWh.

In general, for 10 months of 2021, RES production in the UPS of Russia reached 4,761.3 million kWh, and its share is 0.5% of the total electricity production in the energy system.

Including the generation of WPPs amounted to 2,652 million kWh (+ 167.9% compared to 10 months of last year), SPPs - 2109.3 million kWh (+ 14.7%).

The installed capacity of power plants of the UPS of Russia as of October 1 of this year amounted to 247,209.26 MW. At the same time, the installed capacity of the wind farm was equal to 1,548 MW, of the solar power plant - 1,787.72 MW.

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