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The share of renewable energy generation in the Russian Federation reached 2.2% of the total power system capacity by October 2022

07 ноября 2022
Views: 156

Such information is provided by the Association for the Development of Renewable Energy in the information review of the renewable energy market for the third quarter of this year. According to RREDA[1], the total installed capacity of renewable energy generation facilities in Russia amounted to 5.51 GW.

At the same time, the total installed capacity of CSA RES facilities in the wholesale electricity and capacity market did not change compared to the results of the previous quarter, remaining at the level of 3,746.8 MW.

As of October 2022, the total installed capacity of renewable energy plants has increased by 10 MW. It is noteworthy that despite the crisis in the global economy, the positive dynamics in this indicator continues. Moreover, systematic growth has been going on since the start of the CSA RES support program in 2013.

In the retail electricity markets, during the reporting period, the commissioning of the second stage of the Agidelskaya SPP (4.99 MW) by Kurai Solar LLC in Bashkiria was completed. In addition, the first and second stages of this generating facility (total capacity 9.98 MW) and the solar power plant at the Krasnodar CHPP (2.35 MW) of OOO LUKOIL-Kubanenergo were qualified.

Electricity generation by renewable energy generation facilities built under CSA RES amounted to 1,865 million kWh, which corresponds to 0.74% of the total electricity generation in the UES of Russia. The cumulative total since the beginning of the year, the share of generation of CSA RES facilities is 0.70%.


[1] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Rsw7w_xtMqXx0VptmwumIer1rg_k6jcr/view

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