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The State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a law clarifying some of the government’s powers in the electric power industry

06 июня 2022
Views: 320

The State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted in the third, final reading a law aimed at improving the interaction between electric power industry entities and consumers, as well as clarifying the government's powers in this area. The document was initiated by the Cabinet of Ministers. The law clarifies the concepts of "operational-technological management", "operational-dispatch control in the electric power industry", "installed generating capacity", "working generating capacity". The definitions of "rolling blackouts", as well as "maximum available generating capacity", are excluded, the requirement to conclude a contract for the provision of operational dispatch control services prior to the conclusion of a contract for the provision of electrical energy transmission services is excluded. Also excluded is the rule providing for the control of JSC "System Operator" over generating companies’ investment programs implementation. Internal contradictions are eliminated in the powers of the Government of the Russian Federation and the federal executive bodies authorized by it to establish the procedure for technological connection, and the list of powers of the Government of the Russian Federation and the federal bodies authorized by it in the procedure for approving fuel reserve standards is supplemented. The amount of the legal penalty for operational dispatch control services late payment is established. According to the amendments adopted in the second reading, from January 1, 2024, the subject of operational dispatch control in the electric power industry is System Operator JSC, a specialized organization that solely exercises centralized operational dispatch control within the Unified Power System of Russia and technologically isolated territorial electric power systems. JSC "System Operator" is authorized to issue operational dispatching commands and instructions that are obligatory for the subjects of the electric power industry and consumers of electric energy.

From January 1, 2024, operational dispatch control within the technologically isolated territorial electric power systems is carried out solely by JSC "System Operator". The legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of electric power industry is applied in the territories of such electric power systems during a transitional period determined by the government. During this period the functions of operational dispatch control in the electric power industry within technologically isolated territorial electric power systems are transferred from the relevant subjects of operational dispatch control to JSC "System Operator". The procedure for coordinating with JSC "System Operator" the scheme for distributing the capacity of power generation facilities when planning the construction or reconstruction of such facilities is being specified. The document will come into force from the day of its official publication, with the exception of certain provisions.

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