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The State Duma of the Russian Federation approved the resolution following the results of the "government hour" with the participation of the head of the Ministry of Energy Shulginov

07 апреля 2023
Views: 84

"Government Hour" on the topic "On the implementation of priority energy development projects" was held on March 15, 2023.

Presenting the draft document, Pavel Zavalny, Chairman of the Energy Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation (SD), noted that the fuel and energy complex, acting as a support, a locomotive, and a driver of the Russian economy, shows stability of work even under the most severe pressure and restrictions in the markets.

“Suffice it to say that the share of the fuel and energy complex in GDP in 2022 was 27.1%, and the share of oil and gas revenues in the budget was 41.7%. Therefore, the implementation of priority projects in the fuel and energy complex is an important component of achieving the national development goals set by the President,” Pavel Zavalny emphasized.

The fuel and energy complex is coping with the challenges of the technological plan, a list of critically important imported equipment, components and software has been compiled, and the dependence of the fuel and energy complex on this import is decreasing. The preservation of investment potential, the introduction of innovative technologies and the digital transformation of the fuel and energy sector ensure the growth of the gross domestic product and the country's economy.

There is a restoration of the energy sector in new regions of Russia, their full technological and regulatory integration into the legal space of the country. Plans to expand the gasification program to new subjects of the Federation, as well as making the program open-ended and more socially oriented, contribute to improving the quality of people's lives.

The active development of international relations continues, primarily through the EAEU and the Union State, within the framework of bilateral contacts with friendly countries, as well as multilateral associations.

Taking into account the information presented within the framework of the “government hour”, a number of recommendations were made to the resolution of the State Duma addressed to the Government of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies and the highest executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Federation.

It is necessary to expedite the adoption of priority bills relating to the gas industry and the electric power industry, as well as the ratification of an intergovernmental agreement with the People's Republic of China on gas supplies via the "Far East" route.

The State Duma also recommends to the Government and relevant ministries a number of decisions by industry, first, to establish for business entities in the energy sector that own or lease energy facilities or operate such facilities, the obligatory presence of these entities under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation. This is true for the entire fuel and energy complex.

In the electric power industry, the main recommendation is, within the limits of one’s powers, to accelerate the consolidation of grid assets in the grid complex of the electric power industry, finalize the draft federal law providing for the introduction of the status of a backbone territorial grid organization, provide the regulatory decisions necessary for effective consolidation, and also accelerate the implementation of plans for digitalization and smart metering electricity.

In the oil and gas industry, to develop and implement a program to increase gas consumption in the domestic market, expand the use of natural gas and liquefied natural gas in transport, and continue to implement measures to develop the infrastructure necessary for the export of Russian oil.

  In the coal industry, to ensure that changes are made to the Program for the Development of the Russian Coal Industry for the period up to 2035 in terms of improving energy and environmental security and socio-economic stability in the coal industry.

The resolution also contains a recommendation to the Government to consider the possibility of providing state support measures in order to implement measures for the construction of the electric power infrastructure necessary to supply the Eastern railway range with energy, and a number of other recommendations.

As part of monitoring the implementation of the resolution, it is proposed to hold a joint meeting of the State Duma committees on energy and control during the autumn session of 2023, and also invite the Government to inform the State Duma about the progress in implementing the proposals contained in this resolution during the same period.

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