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The system operator of the Russian Federation discloses the list of design parameters of equipment and power facilities for the purposes of long-term planning

16 февраля 2023
Views: 361

The system operator of the Russian Federation has published a list of design parameters of power facilities that will be disclosed as part of digital information models of power systems. The data are presented on a modernized version of the portal for the exchange of information models with the electric power industry entities (CIM portal).

The requirement for the disclosure of this information is established by the "Rules for the formation and maintenance of up-to-date digital information models of electric power systems and prospective calculation models of electric power systems for the purposes of the long-term development of the electric power industry." The document was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2557.

“We clearly define the amount of technological information that will be contained in the digital information models of power systems provided by the System Operator, which are the basis for the implementation of long-term planning business processes. The main purpose of disclosing this data is to delimit the areas of informational responsibility of the System Operator and the owners of power facilities that provide actual information about the passport characteristics of the equipment for the purposes of operational dispatch control,” said Vladimir Dyachkov, Deputy Chief Dispatcher for Modes of the System Operator.

Disclosure of information on the list of design parameters of equipment and power facilities provided by the System Operator meets the task of ensuring a high level of transparency in the process of long-term planning for the development of the industry.

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