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The system operator of the Russian Federation opens access to data of digital information and perspective calculation models of power systems

22 марта 2023
Views: 109

On March 17, the Ministry of Justice of Russia registered and officially published Order No. 82 of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated February 17, 2023, approving the procedure for disclosure and provision by the System Operator of digital information and perspective calculation models of power systems.

Order "On approval of the procedure for disclosing digital information models of electric power systems and providing by the system operator to other entities of the electric power industry, consumers of electric energy and design organizations of promising design models of electric power systems or fragments of such models for the purposes of the long-term development of the electric power industry and on amending the Rules for the development and approval of distribution schemes capacity of facilities for the production of electrical energy and external power supply schemes for power receivers of consumers of electrical energy, approved by order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated December 28, 2020 No. 1195 "comes into force on March 28 - ten days after its publication on the Official Internet Portal of Legal Information.

The document establishes requirements for the composition, volume, format, methods and conditions for the disclosure by the System Operator of digital information and advanced calculation models of power systems, and also determines the timing of their provision.

“Disclosure of information and provision of promising calculation models of power systems developed by the System Operator is a revolutionary innovation for the industry. Until now, this information has been classified. Now they are available to any interested person - not only the subjects of the industry, but also consumers, design organizations. In fact, we transfer the results of our work in the field of modeling to all interested parties, which will significantly reduce resources and time spent on developing projects of various levels, and will have a positive impact on the processes of prospective development of electric power systems,” emphasizes Sergey Pavlushko, First Deputy Chairman of the Board of SO UPS JSC.

According to the approved document, prospective information models of power systems updated monthly will be posted on a specialized portal created by the System Operator for information exchange with industry entities (CIM-portal). Part of the information will be freely available: anyone can go to this resource and for each of the regions find out which facilities are located in this region and which are planned to be put into operation over the next six years, the installed generating capacity of existing facilities for the production of electrical energy ( maximum capacity of advanced construction facilities), design voltage classes of the power facility, information about the owner. It will be possible to download this information in a public electronic document format, as well as in a machine-readable cimxml format that meets the requirements of GOST R 58651.1-2019 (CIM).

Detailed information on specific parameters and characteristics of electric power facilities will be posted in the closed section of the CIM portal and is available only to authorized users from January 01, 2024.

Perspective calculation models of power systems will be provided for the development of power distribution schemes and external power supply schemes, project documentation for the construction or reconstruction of power facilities, feasibility studies for their decommissioning, as well as the creation and modernization of relay protection and automation devices. Provision of perspective calculation models of power systems will be carried out following the results of consideration by the System Operator of the relevant application. The requirements for its composition, the procedure and terms for consideration, the format for providing data, as well as the grounds for a possible refusal are also regulated by the new Procedure.

At the same time, by order of the Ministry of Energy, amendments were made to the current Rules for the development and approval of power distribution schemes for electric energy production facilities and external power supply schemes for power receiving devices of electric energy consumers, approved by order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated December 28, 2020 No. 1195.

Now, as part of the development of power distribution schemes (external power supply schemes), applicants are no longer required to collect initial data, form mathematical calculation models of power systems and verify them by the system operator. Instead, it is envisaged that the development of power generation and external power supply schemes will be carried out on the basis of promising calculation models provided by the System Operator.

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