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The system operator presented the results of the operation of relay protection and automation devices in the UES of Russia for the first quarter of 2023

14 июня 2023
Views: 103

According to the reporting information published on the official website of SO UPS JSC, from January 1 to March 31, 2023, 6809 cases of operation of relay protection devices were recorded in the UPS of Russia. The number of correct responses was 6497 or 95.42%.

The maximum number of cases of improper operation of relay protection and automation devices in the reporting period was associated with the failure to take or untimely taking the necessary measures to extend the service life or replace the relay protection and automation equipment and its auxiliary elements (18.99%), erroneous or incorrect actions of personnel (13.95%), as well as defects (shortcomings) of design and manufacture (12.40%).

The main technical reasons for incorrect operation of RPA devices were defects or malfunctions in the secondary circuits of RPA (16.67%) and electromechanical equipment (13.18%), as well as physical deterioration of equipment (11.63%).

The reports were generated based on the analysis of the operation of more than 150 thousand relay protection and automation devices in accordance with the requirements of the Rules for technical accounting and analysis of the functioning of relay protection and automation devices, approved by Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated February 8, 2019 No. 80. According to the principles for providing data established in the document, the results of the functioning of relay protection and automation devices grouped separately by types of RPA devices, cases of incorrect operation are additionally classified by types of organizational and technical reasons.

Monitoring of operating conditions and results of operation of relay protection and automation devices is one of the key business processes of the System Operator and is carried out as part of the provision of services for operational dispatch control of the UES of Russia. The main goal of the initiative of the System Operator to open public access to the results of the analysis of the functioning of relay protection devices across the UES of Russia is to assist electric power organizations in assessing the effectiveness of the relay protection and automation systems used, which are the most important mechanism for maintaining the reliability and survivability of the UES of Russia, identifying the characteristic causes of incorrect operation , as well as the development of optimal solutions to eliminate shortcomings and improve relay protection devices.

Regular reports on the results of the operation of relay protection and automation devices in the UPS of Russia for the first quarter of 2023 are available in a special section of the official website of SO UPS JSC. Currently, information is also available here on the results of the operation of relay protection and automation devices in the UPS of Russia for 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022.

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