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The system operator of the Russian Federation exchanged experience with Kazakh colleagues in creating and improving modern SCADA systems

05 февраля 2024
Views: 65

The heads of the automated dispatch control systems (ADCS) unit of the System Operator held a two-day business meeting with colleagues from the KEGOC company (Republic of Kazakhstan) and specialists from the SCADA systems developer Zeinet&SSE. At the meeting, the experience of creating and improving modern SCADA systems, issues of organizing the operation of the automated control system unit and the use of digital technologies in power system management were discussed.

Director for automated dispatch control systems of SO UPS JSC Roman Bogomolov spoke in detail about the structure of the ASDU unit he heads, the automated information systems used in the dispatch control process, world experience in creating and modernizing SCADA systems used in the industry, the basic functionality of the new Russian SCADA - promptly -new generation information complex SK-11.

“We have been cooperating closely with KEGOC for a long time, and the exchange of experience in the development of automated dispatch control systems, including the creation and improvement of modern SCADA systems, is one of the main areas of our bilateral cooperation,” noted Roman Bogomolov .

The heads of the System Operator's ASDU unit introduced the guests to the technology for forecasting and planning modes and the System Operator's use of the Common Information Model that complies with CIM standards (Common Information Model, GOST R 58651) in key business processes.

In turn, foreign colleagues shared information about the project to modernize their SCADA system, which was put into operation in 2006. At the same time, they noted the importance of discussing the experience of the System Operator, gained in the process of transition to a new domestic SCADA system - OIC SK-11, as well as the experience of operating the new generation OIC in Russia for the implementation of their own project.

“Foreign-made SCADA systems are still focused on the features of their power systems. The power systems of Russia and Kazakhstan are connected by a single network. We have similar approaches to maintaining regimes, ensuring the stability of the operation of power systems and eliminating accidents, therefore the experience of the System Operator in creating and operating a completely Russian SCADA system of the new generation SK-11 is closer to us,” noted the representative of “ Zeinet&SSE"Almaz Sauhimov.

As part of the business meeting, the guests also visited the System Operator's Personnel Training Center, where they became acquainted with the company's comprehensive system for training and monitoring the knowledge of dispatchers, planning experience and the procedure for conducting emergency training.

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