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The system operator has published the project of SPD for UPS of Russia for 2024–2029 for public comment

02 сентября 2023
Views: 112

SO UPS JSC announced the start of the procedure for public discussion of the draft scheme and program for the development of electric power systems in Russia for 2024–2029 (hereinafter referred to as the UPS 2024–2029 SPD project), which will last until September 30, 2023 inclusive.

The UPS 2024–2029 SPD project and supporting materials for them are posted on the official website of the operator.

You can submit proposals for the UPS 2024–2029 SPD project through a specialized website.

Recall that from January 1, 2023, a new model for planning the long-term development of the electric power industry was introduced. In accordance with it, the System Operator became the center of responsibility for the long-term planning of the industry. His responsibilities included the development of two program documents - the General Scheme for the Location of Electricity Facilities for 18 years and the Scheme and Program for the Development of Electric Power Systems of Russia (SPDR) for 6 years with the inclusion in the latter of plans for the development of regional power systems in terms of the system-forming network of 110 kV and above.

The first SPD prepared by SO under this mechanism covered the period 2023-2028. It was developed under an interim procedure in the second half of 2022. Its public discussions were held in January of this year, after which the document was approved by order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated February 28, 2023 No. 108.

Starting with the UPS SPD for 2024-2029, the development of the document includes the following stages: before March 1 - the initial provision of initial data; until September 1 - development of the document; until October 1 - public discussion of the project; before December 1 - approval.

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