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The system operator initiated the creation and led the new CIGRE working group on the methodology of information exchange based on CIM

12 января 2023
Views: 429

The International Council on Large High Voltage Electrical Systems CIGRE has established a working group D2.57 "CIM Methodology", which will form and promote proposals for adjusting the methodological base of information exchange based on the Common Information Model (CIM).

The new working group was headed by Roman Bogomolov, a representative of the Russian National Committee of CIGRE, Director for Automated Dispatch Control Systems of the System Operator of the Unified Power System.

“The well-established practice of using CIM as a commonly understood “technological communication language” of industry entities made it possible to identify bottlenecks in existing international standards. At the moment, the model fragments that are missing for the modeling quality required by the industry are created using local extensions fixed in the national standards of the GOST R 58651 series. Similar extensions are used by many companies not only in Russia. The purpose of the new working group is to systematize the need to change and expand international standards based on their practical application in the international field, to form harmonized proposals for changing the CIM standards for the IEC and to provide support for their adoption,” says Roman Bogomolov, who initiated the creation of the working group D2.57.

The format of information exchange based on CIM is fixed in the standards of the International Electrotechnical Commission IEC 61970, IEC 61968 and IEC 62325. At the moment, many electric power companies in the world use CIM standards in various areas, including information exchange in the tasks of operational management, planning of electric power modes operation of power facilities and power systems, asset management.

A new working group has been established under Study Committee D2 "Information Systems and Telecommunications". Its main areas of work will be:

• Determining the current volume and detailing of equipment models and the possibilities of their application for various tasks.

• Comparison of equipment models used in the most common power system management systems (EMS) and distribution networks (DMS).

• Development of extensions to the standard AC power line model to provide modeling flexibility and applicability to a variety of tasks.

• Development of extensions to the standard power transformer model.

• Development of other extensions of standard equipment models based on the results of collecting information about the needs from companies (for example, in terms of the RPA model).

• Creation of UML models for proposed extensions.

More detailed information on the possibility of participating in the work of WG D2.57 can be found on the official website of the RNC at http://cigre.ru/news/rnk/13416/.

Information about CIGRE

CIGRE (Conseil International des Grands Réseaux Electriques - International Council on Large High Voltage Electrical Systems) is a non-governmental and non-profit international organization that brings together scientists and experts in the field of electrical power systems. Created in France in 1921. CIGRE members are more than 1250 energy companies, research and training centers and more than 17500 scientists and specialists from 90 countries of the world, employed in all areas of the electric power industry. Within CIGRE, there are 16 research committees and a large number of working groups formed from reputable experts, whose work covers the entire spectrum of problems of the functioning and development of power systems and power markets.

Russian power engineers have been participating in the work of CIGRE since 1923. In 1957 the Soviet National Committee of CIGRE was created, which was later transformed into the Russian National Committee.

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