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The system operator of the Unified Power System of the Russian Federation has begun the development of a key document of the new promising planning system in the electric power industry

15 ноября 2022
Views: 178

Specialists of the system operator of the Unified Power System of the Russian Federation completed preparatory measures and began the development of a draft scheme and program for the development of electric power systems in Russia (S&PD EPS) for 2023–2028.

S&PD UPS is a key document in the framework of the new system of prospective development of electric power and is replaced by the schemes and development programs of the UPS of Russia and the electric power industry of the regions. In accordance with the new version of the Federal Law “On the Electric Power Industry” adopted in June 2022, the S&PD UPS will be a single document from 2023 that combines development plans for both the UPS of Russia and regional energy systems.

“We are moving in line with the calendar plan, which is developed to achieve the deadlines for approving prospective planning documents according to the new version of the Law“ On Electricity”. To date, the system operator, with the support of the Ministry of Energy, completed preparatory measures - collecting proposals of network organizations to include measures in the S&PD and the formation of a consumption forecast, taking into account the proposals of regional executive bodies to include large consumers in it. Now the company's specialists have begun the development of the S&PD project, we plan to complete this process by December 30”, said Fedor Opadchiy, chairman of the board of the system operator.

As part of the preparation for the development of the S&PD EPS project, the company's specialists were formed and posted on the official website of the system operator in the section “Planning of the development of energy systems” a preliminary list of changes in the installed capacity of the generating equipment. A preliminary list of measures for the development of electrical networks and RPA devices has been published.

Preparatory measures also included the conduct of specialized meetings in the regions to explain the procedures for the executive authorities of the initial data necessary for the formation of the new S&PD UPS to explain to the regional authorities. In total, 89 meetings were held with the participation of more than 400 network organizations, as well as 72 meetings with the participation of executive bodies of 62 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Information at the request of the Ministry of Energy was provided by the 451 network organization (64% of all who sent a request), 50 generating companies (89%), as well as an export-import operator-PJSC Inter RAO.

After the development of the S&PD UPS for 2023–2028, it is planned to conduct a public discussion of the document, which will be held on January 10–20, 2023. The final edition of the S&PD, taking into account the results of public discussion, will be sent to the Ministry of Energy of Russia until February 1, 2023. The approval of the document by the industry regulator is expected until March 1, 2023.

S&PD UPS for 2023–2028 is developed according to the transition model. From March 1, 2023, the development of a document on a permanent procedure will be carried out, starting with the S&PD UPS of Russia for 2024–2029, in accordance with the requirements of the rules for the development and approval of documents of prospective development of the electric power industry.

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