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The system operator spoke about the possibilities of creating digital information models of the UPS of Central Asia using CIM

22 ноября 2023
Views: 116

On November 21, representatives of the Russian System Operator held a seminar for specialists from the Energia Coordination and Dispatch Center, dedicated to the issues of unifying information exchange using CIM standards, the prospects for creating digital information models of the UPS of Central Asia and the advantages of using this technology.

The seminar is included in the plan of joint activities to develop cooperation between the System Operator and CDC Energia, approved in May 2023 by the Coordination Electricity Council of Central Asia.

Opening the seminar, Roman Bogomolov, Director for Automated Dispatch Control Systems of the System Operator, noted that under the leadership of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Russian electric power industry has come a long way in unifying information exchange, from the idea to the implementation of large-scale projects to integrate information systems of the largest energy companies. There are still many challenges ahead, but the experience gained allows us to draw conclusions about which approaches work and which do not. Leveraging this experience can greatly assist utilities planning to implement CIM technologies into their production processes.

“The list of business processes in which CIM can be used is extensive. In particular, the technology can be used to solve problems of operational dispatch control, to implement market technologies, to plan the long-term development of electric power systems and asset management. However, solving all the problems at once is labor-intensive; it is necessary to create a list of priority areas in which the use of CIM will solve the most significant problems,” noted Nikolai Belyaev, head of the Information Model Service of the System Operator.

Nikolay Belyaev spoke about the prerequisites for implementing CIM for the development of IT infrastructure of energy companies, and provided general information about the basic principles and approaches to the application of CIM standards (IEC 61970, IEC 61968, IEC 62325, GOST R 58651).

The seminar participants discussed in detail the results of the System Operator's work on the implementation of CIM in the Russian electric power industry, as well as the main directions of technology development. Representatives of CDC Energia noted the demand for the experience and competencies of the System Operator, who acts as the ide ological inspirer and driver of the implementation of CIM in Russia.

In conclusion, the speakers provided recommendations for preparing for the creation of digital information models of the UES of Central Asia. At the initial stage, it is necessary to determine the business processes in which it is advisable to use CIM, the list of participants in information exchange and the volume of transmitted data, establish the mode and frequency of exchange. The development of an information exchange profile, as well as rules and modeling techniques, is of great importance.

Representatives of the Russian System Operator noted that the creation of information models is possible both by individual energy companies and with the involvement of a single center of competence, presented the advantages and disadvantages of each approach and spoke about practical experience in their application.

The seminar participants thanked the management of the System Operator for the opportunity to study the specifics of using the technology and expressed interest in continuing the exchange of best practices and developing dialogue on the use of digital technologies in operational dispatch control.

Representatives of the System Operator, for their part, expressed their readiness to provide assistance and consulting support in the work on creating an information model for the UES of Central Asia using CIM standards. They also invited partners to take part in the IV annual international scientific and technical conference “CIM in Russia and the world”, which will be held in Sochi on February 8–9, 2024.

CDC "Energy"

Coordination and dispatch center "Energy" is an international non-governmental non-profit organization that, since 2006, has been coordinating operational and technological activities in power systems and at power facilities of the Integrateded Power  System of Central Asia. The main tasks are to determine the conditions for parallel operation of the power systems of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and the southern regions of Kazakhstan, as well as to manage the actions of the operational dispatch personnel of these power systems in the elimination of intersystem accidents and regime violations.

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