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The system operator submitted proposals to the CIS Electric Power Council on improving the efficiency of RES integration into the modern energy system

18 июля 2022
Views: 520

The delegation of the System Operator led by the Chairman of the Board Fyodor Opadchiy took part in the 60th meeting of the CIS Electric Power Council (EPC CIS), which took place on July 14 in Nursultan (Kazakhstan).

The Head of the System Operator made a report “On topical issues of cooperation between the CIS member states in the field of renewable energy, taking into account energy security issues”, in which he spoke about measures to maintain the stable operation of energy systems in the context of the energy transition and increase the share of renewable energy generation.

Fedor Opadchy presented to the participants of the EPC CIS an analysis of the world experience in the development of renewable energy generation. Referring to the results of the forecast calculations of the International Energy Agency, carried out in 2021, he noted that according to the current assessment, the share of electricity generated by renewable energy generation facilities, including hydroelectric power plants, in the global energy balance will double by 2050 - from the existing 25% to 53%. It is predicted that in the next 30 years, the share of solar power plants will increase by eight times and will account for about a quarter (24%) of the total generation in the world. The volume of electricity produced at wind farms will also more than double, from 7% to 16%.

The head of the Russian System Operator presented an analysis of the development of renewable generation in Russia. He noted that within the framework of the CPA RES-1 support program, calculated until 2024, it is planned to commission 5.4 GW of generation from SPPs, HPPs and WPPs. As of June 1, 2022, 3.7 GW of renewable energy capacities have already been commissioned during the implementation of the program. In the period up to 2030, within the framework of the CPA RES-2 development support program, another 5–8 GW of renewable generation capacities are expected to be commissioned, which will increase the installed RES capacity in Russia to 10–13 GW.

Fedor Opadchiy focused on the peculiarities of the territorial distribution of renewable energy facilities in the UPS, which depends on the level of insolation and wind activity. He noted that under the CPA RES-1 program, the main volume of inputs is planned in the southern regions of the country - following the implementation of the CPA RES-1 and CPA RES-2, up to 70% of all renewable energy financed within their framework will be built in the IPS of the South. As a result, the share of generation of solar and wind power plants can reach 14% of the total electricity generated in the UPS of the South.

As the share of SPPs and WPPs in the balance of the energy system grows, the cost of solutions that can ensure their effective integration increases. In particular, the development of RES will require the construction of an additional network infrastructure to ensure the delivery of their capacity, as well as backup and compensation for multidirectional deviations in their generation. In addition to maintaining network capacity reserves, the variable operation of solar and wind power plants requires maintaining an appropriate amount of active power reserves. The presence of interconnections allows to reduce the costs of RES integration, including through the use of flexible capacities in adjacent power systems, the head of the System Operator noted.

Fedor Opadchiy stressed that an increase in the share of renewable energy generation in each of the adjacent, parallel operating power systems will inevitably have an impact on the operating modes of the power systems of neighboring states, which requires the joint development of supranational technical requirements for the operation of renewable energy facilities and the establishment of mandatory implementation at the national level.

The Head of the System Operator took the initiative to ensure the possibility of forming plans for the development of national energy complexes, taking into account forecasts for the commissioning of renewable energy sources and proposed to instruct the EPC CIS Working Group on low-carbon development of the electric power industry to organize the collection of information and the presentation of regular reviews on the operated renewable energy facilities in the CIS countries, as well as on implemented plans for the commissioning of new generating equipment based on RES.

In addition, according to the head of the System Operator, it is advisable to organize a study at the site of the Commission for Operational and Technological Coordination of the joint work of the power systems of the CIS and Baltic countries (COTC, the main working body of the EPC of the CIS) of world experience and methods used in the power systems of the CIS countries for predicting electricity generation at RES facilities, as well as to analyze the possibility of using unified approaches to the operational forecasting of their load.

Separately, he listed technologies that allow minimizing the costs of solving the problem of RES integration. Among them are the development of systems for automatic secondary control of frequency and power, emergency control and remote control, the introduction of technologies that increase the capacity of the existing network, including systems for monitoring stability margins - complexes designed to determine the values ​​of the maximum allowable flows in real time and allow for more full use of the transmission capacity of the electrical network while complying with regulatory requirements for the stability of the power system.

In addition, it is necessary to develop “fast markets” and market mechanisms that provide for short-term, including intra-hour periods, trading in electricity generated with the participation of renewable energy generation, as well as the development of new tools in the system services market that provide the opportunity to attract these objects to participate in the normalized primary frequency control (NPFC) and automatic secondary control of frequency and power flows (ASCFP).


About the CIS Electric Power Council

The CIS Electric Power Council (EPC CIS) and its working body - the Executive Committee were formed in accordance with the Agreement on the coordination of interstate relations in the field of electric power industry of the Commonwealth of Independent States, signed by the heads of government of the Commonwealth states on February 14, 1992.

The CIS Electric Power Council includes the Chairman of the Executive Committee and the first heads of the power industry management bodies - authorized representatives of the Council member states: the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan , Republic of Uzbekistan, Ukraine.

One of the main goals of the activity of the Electric Power Council is to create relations of partnership and cooperation between the states of the Commonwealth in the field of electric power industry.

In accordance with the decision of the 6th meeting of the EPC of the CIS dated October 23, 1993, within the framework of the EPC of the CIS, the Commission for Operational and Technological Coordination of the Joint Work of the Energy Systems of the CIS and Baltic Countries (COTC) was formed. The Commission was established to coordinate the actions of energy companies to ensure reliable joint operation of the energy systems of the CIS and Baltic countries, as well as the energy systems of the CIS and Baltic countries with the energy systems of other countries. Since 2004, the Chairman of the COTC has been the Chairman of the Management Board of the Russian System Operator. On June 30, 2021, at the 58th extraordinary meeting of the EPC of the CIS, Fedor Opadchiy, Chairman of the Management Board of JSC SO UPS, was appointed Chairman of the COTC.

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