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The technological capacities of the networks do not allow to import more than 240 million kWh from Tajikistan, - National Energy Holding, Kyrgyz Republic

17 сентября 2020
Views: 556

The technological capacities of the networks do not allow importing more than 240 million kWh from Tajikistan. Askhat Abylaev. An expert of the Power Generation and Transmission Department of the National Energy Holding of the Kyrgyz Republic told about this.

According to an expert from NEHK, Kyrgyzstan can import 1-1.5 billion kWh from Kazakhstan via 500 kV lines.

“Namely from these countries we imported electricity in 2014: from Tajikistan 215 million kWh, from Kazakhstan 118 million kWh. We also purchased electricity in 2015-2016, but in 2017, on the contrary, we started exporting. Thus, it can be seen that for 3 years we had a cyclicality in the dry period. During this time, we purchased about 1.5 billion kWh, but in the high-water period of 2017-2018 we exported 2 billion kWh. That means, we made a profit, ”explained A. Abylaev, expert of the NEHK department.

The exper added that in 2020 the State Committee for Industry, Energy and Subsoil Use is negotiating with neighboring republics about the possible import of electricity. These are Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, as well as Turkmenistan with the need for transit through Uzbekistan.

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