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The third annual conference "CIM in Russia and the world"

10 ноября 2022
Views: 202

The third annual conference "CIM in Russia and the world", dedicated to the unification of information exchange in the electric power industry, will be held from February 8, 2023 to February 10, 2023 in Sochi, Russia.

In 2022, amendments were made to Federal Law No. 35-F3 of March 26, 2003 "On the Electric Power Industry", according to which the concept of "digital information model of the electric power system" was introduced for the first time. Also, for the purpose of the future development of the electric power industry, draft resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation on the rules for the formation and maintenance of up-to-date digital information models of electric power systems and promising calculation models of electric power systems and the order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia on the procedure for disclosing digital information models and providing the system operator to other subjects of the electric power industry, consumers electric power and design organizations of promising calculation models of electric power systems or fragments of such models.

In accordance with the amendments to the order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated February 13, 2019 No. 102 “On approval of the Rules for providing information necessary for the implementation of operational dispatch control in the electric power industry”, starting from 2024, the provision of information on the parameters and characteristics of electric grid facilities and electricity production facilities must be carried out in compliance with the requirements of GOST R 58651 (CIM) standards.

The upcoming conference provides for a discussion of the technical aspects of the implementation of changes to regulatory legal acts regarding the creation of digital information models of electric power systems and information exchange based on GOST R 58651 (CIM) standards, as well as the development of a methodology for applying GOST R 58651 (CIM) standards.

The speakers will present the best practices for implementing CIM-based technologies at industry enterprises, taking into account the analysis of domestic and foreign experience, consider the main directions for the development of information model profiles for the electric power industry, and highlight the intermediate results of the development of national standards in the field of information exchange.

In addition to discussion sessions and reports within the framework of the conference, it is planned to hold a specialized exhibition of software solutions that are used to implement CIM.

Representatives of the Russian Ministry of Energy, major energy companies, developers and manufacturers of software and IT solutions, research institutes, as well as foreign experts are invited to participate in the event.

Holding a specialized conference will help consolidate the positions of the professional community on the unification of information exchange across the UES of Russia and help develop a unified approach to the development and implementation of CIM technologies in the Russian power industry, taking into account its unique aspects.

Suggestions on the topics of reports with an indication of speakers (co-speakers) and a brief abstract (4-5 sentences) please send no later than December 22, 2022 to the email address cim-conference@so-ups.ru.


Registration for participation in the conference is available on the website of the technical organizer of the conference - 4CI0 company at https://cim.4cio.ru/.

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