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The total electricity production of the Belarusian NPP reached 25 billion kWh

16 февраля 2024
Views: 71

Since the inclusion of the first power unit in the integrated power system, the Belarusian nuclear power plant has generated 25 billion kWh of electricity.

This made it possible to replace 6.7 billion cubic meters of natural gas.

The project was a good incentive for the growth of electricity consumption in the country - at the end of 2023, this figure increased by 6.6% compared to 2022 and amounted to 41.1 billion kWh, said the Minister of Energy.

Growth is ensured both by the real sector of the economy and by the population. In particular, electricity consumption for heating and hot water supply increased by 1.4 times.

Modern multi-apartment “electric houses” are being built in the country - over the past three years, 1.2 million m2 of such housing have been commissioned, with a five-year target of 2 million m2.

The transition of multi-apartment housing stock from the use of solid fuel to electricity continues. Relevant schedules have been drawn up, they include about 100 such houses in various regions of the country, and the necessary conditions have already been created for the modernization of 36 of them.

Work has also been widely organized to convert individual housing stock to electricity for heating and hot water supply. In total, in 2019-2023, powere supply organizations received 103.9 thousand requests from citizens for the issuance of technical conditions for connecting electrical installations of single-family residential buildings to electrical networks for these purposes. Almost 89% of requests are satisfied.

In 2023, 25.2 thousand requests were received, 95% received a positive response.

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