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The volume of the program to support "green" energy in Russia until 2035 will amount to 350 billion rubles

23 марта 2021
Views: 692

The volume of the program to support "green" energy in Russia until 2035 will amount to 350 billion rubles, said the Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Pavel Snikkars. A video with his comments was published on the ministry's official Telegram channel.

In the Russian Federation, from 2014 to 2024, there is a program to support "green" energy, including the construction of power plants based on renewable energy sources (RES), which are selected through a competitive procedure. The program guarantees a return on investment within 15 years with a base rate of return of 12% per annum adjusted for federal loan bonds yield. The Russian authorities have decided to extend the program until 2035, but some of the parameters are still being discussed.

" At the main parameters are 350 billion (rubles - ed.) of support until 2035, we expect about 6.7 GW of installed capacity to be commissioned," Snikkars answered when asked about the parameters of the second program for the development of the construction of power plants based on renewable energy sources.

"And we have experienced a significant cheapening of   solar and wind power plants construction. As the cost has dropped, we took these circumstances into account in the second program. If the cost continues to decline, then colleagues will be able , respectively, to build more generation from renewable sources," he added.

In general, according to Snikkars, the second program expects a decrease in the cost of building power plants based on renewable energy sources, an increase in requirements for the localization of equipment in the Russian Federation and "export recognition", since the program includes requirements for the volume of exports for the production of this equipment.

"After its completion (the second program - ed.), Renewable energy sources will already enter the competitive level with traditional sources of generation," concluded the Deputy Head of the Ministry of Energy.

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