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The work of the next 49th Session of CIGRE (CIGRE) continues in Paris

01 сентября 2022
Views: 94

The regular 49th CIGRE Session continues in Paris. More than 2,300 experts in the electric power industry are discussing the most pressing issues of world energy systems development in the context of the energy transition in person and in the format of electronic access at numerous discussion platforms. Magazine “ELECTRIC ENERGY. Transmission and Distribution”, being the official media partner of the 49th Session, provides its readers with a brief overview of some of the most interesting topics discussed in the first days of CIGRE 2022.

Committee Consultation B4: DC Network Reference Models for System Studies

Technologies for building up high-voltage direct current (HVDC) networks are becoming increasingly important and widespread in building up a modern power system. The concept of HVDC networks is rapidly evolving, attracting more and more international attention. To help achieve common standards, ensure equipment compatibility, and support research and development in this important and growing area, a common set of HVDC grid benchmark (BM) reference models is needed to enable communication, standardization and education, to achieve research collaboration and compare research results.

Technical Brochure 804, prepared by Working Group B4.72 DC Network Reference Models for System Research, contains BM models of seven potential multi-terminal HVDC networks/systems based on surveys of built and planned HVDC systems around the world, as well as research literature .

During the consultation session, members of Study Committee B4 presented to the meeting the results of a global review and evaluation of existing, planned and proposed (potential) HVDC schemes, configurations and applications, as well as a literature review of existing models of DC networks and the possibilities for their application in practice. Topologies and configurations of seven reference models of HVDC networks were also demonstrated, as well as the results of 39 simulation models based on these references, including samples of dynamic modeling and simulation of technological disturbances.

B5 Committee Consultation: System Integrity Protection Schemes in the Context of Evolving Grids

The consultation session was divided into three thematic blocks: an introduction to the concept of system integrity protection schemes, an overview of relevant intelligent technologies, and a discussion of a typical architecture.

During the consultation, participants were given an explanation of what System Integrity Protection Schemes (SIPS) are and how they differ from protection schemes intended for electrical network elements. The experts discussed the main requirements for such systems in terms of protection philosophy (reliability, security, availability, etc.) and the most typical SIPS categories with their strengths and weaknesses. The relevant concepts have been illustrated with some specific examples of classical SIPS implementations.

The introduction of smart technologies based on (among other things) new sensor and communication infrastructure opens up opportunities for the development of new advanced solutions that are able to integrate system monitoring, protection and control functions to ensure safe and reliable circuit functionality. The second part of the consultation session explored the capabilities and limitations of using synchronized metering technology (SMT), discussed the nature of cascading events leading to power system outages, demonstrated several representative SIPS that detailed the benefits and limitations of SMT, and the importance of developing an optimal road network. monitoring, protection and control cards. Experience from large scale projects in the UK and the EU was presented to provide a better understanding of the topic.

The participants of the consultation session were able to get acquainted with the typical architecture of SIPS, the requirements and methods for testing them to ensure reliable operation and prevent potential unwanted operations.

Study Committee Panel C6: Active Distribution Systems and Distributed Energy Resources

The widespread adoption of distributed energy resources (DER) can affect the planning and operation of distribution systems. The Study Committee is evaluating assistive technologies and innovative solutions for integrating DER into active distribution systems. Committee members focus on rural electrification, integration methodologies, the use of storage and electric vehicles as a DER. The following topics were considered within the framework of the 49th CIGRE Session:

• DER solutions and experience to accelerate the energy transition;

• innovative technologies for planning and operating active distribution systems;

• use of DER to improve the sustainability, reliability and energy security of distribution systems.

D2 Committee Consultations: Application of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in the Power Industry

The widespread use of information and telecommunication technologies in power systems has led to the acquisition of huge amounts of data that improve observability and controllability. At the same time, new elements of the system, such as distributed energy resources, electric vehicles and power electronics, pose new challenges for the digitization of the system and the use of artificial intelligence to achieve a balance of economics, reliability and lower carbon emissions.

With enormous potential to support and accelerate this energy transition, artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have made great progress in recent years. Various AI applications are already integrated into daily work, including load/renewable energy forecasting, image recognition for drone network inspections, customer service chatbots, and more.

During the consultation, the experts of working group D2.52 provided data on AI applications and key technologies in the electric power industry, including requirements and targets, AI structure, applicability and maturity, most common practices and new ways to apply AI technologies in the electric power industry.

From the Russian Federation, more than 50 representatives take part in the events of the 49th CIGRE Session, including the heads of the Rosseti group of companies, the System Operator, experts from specialized universities and top managers of large manufacturers of equipment for the electric power industry and developers of integrated solutions in the field of efficiency improvement electrical networks.

Discussions of CIGRE professionals are also held at the global technical exhibition with an area of 17,300 square meters, located on three floors of the Palace of Congresses. More than 300 international companies-suppliers of technologies and services take part in the exhibition, representing:

• high voltage equipment;

• equipment for monitoring, control and protection;

• means of measurement, testing and diagnostics;

• know-how and experience of electric power companies;

• tutorials, methods and tools.

Magazine “ELECTRIC ENERGY. Transmission and Distribution” will continue to inform its readers about all significant events of the 49th CIGRE Session.

Related materials:

• Participants of the 49th CIGRE Session discussed topical issues of ensuring the energy transition

• Grand opening of the 49th CIGRE Session in Paris

• CIGRE President Michel Ogonne answered questions from the ELECTRIC ENERGY. Transmission and distribution" in an exclusive intervie

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