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The World Bank will allocate a grant of $ 134 million for the rehabilitation of OHSC "Barki Tajik"

22 июня 2020
Views: 544

On June 17, the lower chamber of the Tajik parliament without a single dissenting vote ratified an agreement on financing an energy enterprise financial recovery program between the Republic of Tajikistan and the International Development Association, signed in May of this year.

Addressing the people's representatives, the Minister of Energy and Water Resources of Tajikistan, Usmonali Usmonzoda, noted that the agreement provides for financial support for OHSC  "Barki Tajik" aimed at improving the management of the energy holding.

To implement the project, the World Bank will allocate $ 134 million for the OHSC  "Barki Tajik".

According to the minister, the project will begin this year and will be finalized in 2026.

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