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There are about 1.5 million electricity metering points in the energy system of the Kyrgyz Republic

01 февраля 2021
Views: 2733

There are about 1.5 million electricity metering points in the Kyrgyz Power System today, the Kyrgyz Energy Finanacial Settlement Center (KESC) reports.

Of these, 3.5 thousand metering points operate at the upper level (OJSC "Electric Stations" and OJSC "National Electric Grid of Kyrgyzstan") and form the basis of the wholesale electricity market, and the rest relate to the accounting of electricity for end users.

The KESC specified completed work and prepared documents:

-  All metering devices and single-line diagrams of power stations and substations 500-220-110-35 kV with reference to the terrain map (GIS) are introduced;

- Output reporting forms for the upper-level energy system and documents are developed:

• drawing up a balance sheet for HPPs;

• drawing up a balance sheet for substations 500/220/110 kV;

• act of transmission of electricity to the REC network through the networks of Independant Utility Company (IUC) OJSC and from the busbars of Electric Stations OJSC;

• act of transmission of electricity in the networks of checkpoint (large industrial consumers), OPP (wholesale buyers-sellers), PP (consumers-resellerвутеs) through the networks of IUC and from the busbars of OJSC “Electric Stations”;

• on the consumption of electricity for the economic needs of substations 500/220/110/35 kV;

• on electricity consumption for auxiliary needs of substations 500/220/110/35 kV;

- Data entered on contracts concluded between JSC "NPS of Kyrgyzstan" and JSC "Electric Power Plants" with large consumers of electricity (LCE), consumers-resellers of electricity (CR) and wholesale buyers-sellers of electricity (WBS), as well as direct customers of JSC "Electric stations "and JSC" Chakan HPP ".

Acts of electricity flows of the countries of the Integrated Power System of Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan-Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan; Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan) are being developed.

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