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To complete the construction of Rogun, $1 billion is needed annually

02 февраля 2024
Views: 68

An average of $1 billion is allocated annually to finance the construction of the Rogun hydroelectric power plant, Tajikistan Energy Minister Daler Juma said on February 1 at a press conference in Dushanbe. According to him, to complete the construction of this plant, according to recent estimates, $6.2 billion will be required.

The minister noted that this amount was determined by international consultants who were hired to evaluate the project. He expressed confidence that this is the final amount with which the construction of Rogun will be completely completed.

The minister emphasized that negotiations are underway with more than 10 development partners regarding project financing. He noted that the results of negotiations with some of them will be announced this month, and with others - in June of this year.

“We are trying to put Rogun units into operation on time in accordance with the previously determined time,” the minister added.

Let us recall that the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, while voicing his message to the country’s parliament on December 28 last year, announced that the next hydroelectric unit of the Rogun hydroelectric power plant (3rd in a row) is planned to be put into operation in 2025. He emphasized that in 2023, 5 billion somoni ($456 million) were allocated for the completion of Rogun.

The construction of Rogun has so far been carried out exclusively at the expense of government funds. It is expected that in the new year funds from other international financial institutions will be attracted for completion.

Potential investors for the project include the World Bank, the European Investment Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the Eurasian Development Bank and others.

According to the Ministry of Finance, there are already agreements to attract a preferential loan from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (PRC) in the amount of $500 million. An agreement has also been signed with the Saudi Development Fund, which involves providing a loan of $100 million.

Let us recall that in 2008, when work was resumed at the Rogun HPP facilities, its cost was estimated at $3 billion. Later, in 2016, the amount was announced at $3.9 billion. In mid-2022, the country’s Ministry of Energy announced the need to raise $5 billion for full project implementation.

Since the beginning of restoration and construction work (since 2008), according to the government of the country, more than 35 billion somoni have been allocated from the state budget for the construction of this hydroelectric power plant.

  Information of  "Asia-Plus":

The Rogun hydroelectric power plant will become the largest hydroelectric power plant in Central Asia, with an installed capacity of 3,600 MW. The annual volume of electricity generation after the plant is fully commissioned will be from 13 to 17 billion kilowatt-hours. This amounts to approximately 65%-85% of the annual electricity generation by all operating facilities in the republic.

In total, it is planned to install six units in the plant’s turbine room, each with a design capacity of 600 MW. The launch of the last unit of the plant is scheduled for 2029.

The construction of the each with a design capacity of 600 MW  is divided into separate lots: LOT 1 – electromechanical equipment, LOT 2 – power plant dam, LOT 3 – right bank structures and LOT 4 – left bank structures. Construction of the each with a design capacity of 600 MW. is expected to be fully completed by 2033. 

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