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Training of specialists in the field of modeling is one of the important topics of the international conference “CIM in Russia and the world”

07 февраля 2024
Views: 58

On February 8, the fourth industry-wide conference “CIM in Russia and the World” opens in Sochi, dedicated to the harmonization of information exchange in the electric power industry based on the standards of the Common Information Model (CIM).

The conference is organized by the System Operator with the support of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.

“This year the conference is moving to a radically new level. Initially, the forum was aimed at popularizing the ideology of using the Common Information Model standards among the professional community. To date, it has transformed into the largest discussion platform for discussing applied, practical issues of using CIM in Russia. The conference program is full of technical presentations focused on solving specific cases, and its main participants are technical experts in the modeling of equipment and power facilities, specialists responsible for ensuring the exchange of data from information models,” said Roman Bogomolov, director of automated dispatch control systems at the System Operator .

In addition to representatives of the Russian energy community, experts from the CIS countries: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Kyrgyzstan will take part in the conference.

The agenda includes features of information exchange in the CIM format, approaches to digital modeling of power systems and equipment using international standards, Russian and foreign experience in using CIM in specific business processes, and improving the regulatory framework in this area.

The main topics of the conference include the training of subject matter experts with knowledge and skills in the field of information modeling based on CIM and the development of information exchange profiles using this technology.

“Given the wide range of participants and the range of topics discussed, we expect that the conference will become a unique space for generating ideas, concepts and promising technical solutions for the application of standards, and will open new windows of opportunity to optimize information interaction in the industry,” emphasized Roman Bogomolov.

His interview on the eve of the forum to the magazine “Electricity. Transmission and distribution" read here.

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