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Turkmenistan approved the Roadmap for cooperation in the field of hydrogen energy

31 января 2022
Views: 535

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov approved the Roadmap for the development of the country's international cooperation in the field of hydrogen energy for 2022-2023.

The corresponding decree was signed by the President on January 28 and published in the media of the republic on January 29.

Among the goals of the Roadmap is the development of international cooperation aimed at creating an export-oriented hydrogen energy industry in Turkmenistan, provided with highly qualified specialists and operating on the basis of modern technologies.

The Turkmen leader stressed the need to actively promote energy diplomacy as an integral factor in strengthening mutually beneficial partnership in ensuring global energy security.

G. Berdimuhamedov also said that the priority aspect is the introduction of advanced technologies in the field of alternative and, in particular, low-carbon energy, which is of great importance in the light of the pressing problems of our time related to environment and climate change.

"And here, broad prospects are opening up for the use of hydrogen - the fuel of the future - due to its high operational and, most importantly, environmental characteristics," the Turkmen leader emphasized.

At the same time, G. Berdimuhamedov noted that neutral Turkmenistan would continue to take consistent steps to stimulate and build up fruitful international cooperation in this area.

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