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Turkmenistan is increasing supplies of electricity to Afghanistan

22 декабря 2020
Views: 30328

Turkmenistan is increasing the supply of electricity to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed a corresponding decree on the conclusion of additional agreements to contracts for the supply of electricity from Turkmenistan to Afghanistan. The document was signed by the head of state in order to implement plans to increase the export of Turkmen electricity and develop a Turkmen-Afghan partnership in the power industry. For a number of years, Turkmenistan has been selling electricity to its neighboring country at discounted prices.Turkmenistan is increasing the supply of electricity to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed a corresponding decree on the conclusion of additional agreements to contracts for the supply of electricity from Turkmenistan to Afghanistan. The document was signed by the head of state in order to implement plans to increase the export of Turkmen electricity and develop a Turkmen-Afghan partnership in the power industry. For a number of years, Turkmenistan has been selling electricity to its neighboring country at discounted prices.

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