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Turkmenistan starts exporting electricity to Kyrgyzstan

13 августа 2021
Views: 715

Turkmenistan starts supplying electricity to Kyrgyzstan in August, Sputnik agency reports citing the press service of the Ministry of Energy and Industry of Kyrgyzstan.

According to the signed contract, from August to December 2021, Turkmenistan will supply 501.9 million kWh of electricity to Kyrgyzstan.

Until August 9, Turkmenistan has already exported 19.2 million kWh of electricity.

Electricity supplies are carried out in transit through the territory of Uzbekistan.

The President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov and President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov agreed on the supply of electricity in the autumn-winter period. Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Ministry of Energy and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan.

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