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Turkmenistan will start exporting electricity to Pakistan

27 июня 2023
Views: 183

Turkmenistan will start exporting electricity to Pakistan via a transmission line from a power plant in the Turkmen city of Mary to the Afghan city of Herat.

According to official information, the transmission line under construction will be able to supply electricity not only to Pakistan, but also to other countries in South Asia.

The hydroelectric power plant is equipped with two installations provided by the American company General Electric, which makes it possible to generate up to 3580 MWh of electricity per day.

In addition, work is currently underway to increase the volume of electricity transmitted along the routes Serhetabat - Herat - Turgundi and Rabatkashan - Kalainau (Turkmenistan - Afghanistan).

Turkmenistan is actively integrating into the common power system of Central Asia.

It is expected that by 2025 the country will increase the volume of electricity exports by 8.7%. The achievement of this goal will be facilitated by the construction of new power plants, transmission lines, modern transformer substations and power distribution facilities.

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