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Twelve large renewable energy facilities will be built in Uzbekistan

14 октября 2020
Views: 592

Uzbekistan plans to implement 12 large projects in the field of renewable energy sources with a total cost of $ 3.56 billion. The largest of them is the ACWA Power project for the construction of two wind farms with a capacity of 1,000 MW in Navoi and Bukhara regions with a total cost of $ 1.3 billion.

In the Republic of Karakalpakstan, it is planned to build two wind farms Koratau-2 and Koratau-3 with a total capacity of 300 MW for $ 300 million, and in Navoi region - another wind farm with a capacity of 500 MW with an investment of $ 550 million from Masdar. The same company will build a 100 MW solar power plant in Navoi region for $ 110 million.

In the Samarkand region, Total Eren is implementing a project for the construction of a 100 MW photovoltaic plant worth $ 100 million. In Samarkand and Jizzakh regions, two photovoltaic plants will be built under the Skalling Solar-2 project with a capacity of 200 MW each. The total investment in them will be $ 360 million.

The construction of a solar power plant within the Skalling Solar-3 project with a total capacity of 500 MW assumes an investment of $ 425 million. The location of this project has not been announced.

And finally, in the Surkhardarya region of the republic, it is planned to build two solar power plants (Sherabad-1 and Sherabad-2 projects) with a capacity of 500 MW with a total investment of $ 415 million.

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