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Until 2027, the UPS of Russia plans to commission 13.2 GW of generating capacities, — SO UPS

31 января 2022
Views: 576

Until 2027, it is planned to commission 13.2 GW of generating capacities in the UPS of Russia, of which 3.4 GW of generation will be commissioned in the UPS of Siberia and the UPS of the East, which is 26% of the total planned commissioning, said the Deputy Head of the Directorate for the Development of the UPS " SO UPS” Denis Pilenieks at a meeting of the Committee for Energy Strategy and Development of the Fuel and Energy Complex of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (RF CCI).

At the same time, he noted, the volume of commissioning of new generating equipment over the past 11 years amounted to about 47 GW.

Mr. Pilenieks added that the implementation of measures to modernize thermal generation within the framework of CSMP (competitive selection of modernization projects) would lead to the renewal of equipment at existing thermal power plants in the amount of        46.5 GW.

The installed capacity of power plants of the UPS of Russia as of December 1, 2021 amounted to 247.9 GW.

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