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Until 2050, the share of renewable energy sources in the energy balance of the Russian Federation will not exceed 10%

14 февраля 2024
Views: 58

The share of renewable energy sources (RES) in Russia will remain low, despite the country's plans to achieve climate neutrality. Their capacity will not exceed 10% of the country’s energy balance by 2050, said First Deputy Minister of Energy of Russia Pavel Sorokin at the NRB Climate Forum 2024.

“Plans for the introduction of renewable energy sources continue, but if you look at the energy balance that we include in the energy strategy until 2050, the share of renewable energy sources still remains quite small. It will not exceed 10% for all different technologies on the 2050 horizon. And this will not lead to additional significant costs,” he said.

According to him, other Russian measures will influence the reduction of emissions (harmful both for the environment and the climate).

The country intends to work in the areas of energy saving, closed nuclear fuel cycle technologies at low-power nuclear power plants, and converting cars to gas engine fuel, which is much more environmentally friendly compared to gasoline and diesel.

Sorokin noted that the energy strategy until 2050, the text of which is currently being prepared, will soon be presented for dialogue with business.

“It is the climate agenda that is given a separate section; it, naturally, will then be decomposed into sectoral strategies: oil, gas, electricity,” added Sorokin.

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