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Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan will increase cooperation in energy

22 июня 2022
Views: 438

On June 20, an intergovernmental Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the field of energy was signed.

The document was signed by First Deputy Minister of Energy of Uzbekistan Azim Akhmedkhadzhaev and Minister of Energy of Azerbaijan Parviz Shahbazov.

The memorandum provides for the expansion of bilateral cooperation in the energy sector, covering: partnership in the oil and gas and petrochemical fields, in the field of alternative and renewable energy, efficient use of energy resources, including the implementation of joint projects; holding joint seminars, conferences, forums to provide training and development programs in the energy sector; the possibility of participation in energy projects of the relevant economic entities of the two countries. Also, following the meeting, the parties agreed to establish an exchange of experience on renewable energy and PPP (public-private partnership) issues during the first expert meeting within the upcoming Energy Forum on June 23-24 this year.

Additionally, cooperation between Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan in the field of energy has a solid foundation, in particular, partnership with the Azerbaijani oil and gas company SOCAR. The parties also have examples of successful cooperation in the field of advanced training of specialists in the oil and gas industry.

Press Service of the Ministry of Energy

Republic of Uzbekistan

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