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Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan can join the construction of Kambar-Ata-1 HPP in the Kyrgyz Republic

07 июня 2022
Views: 450

Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan may join the construction of the Kambar-Ata-1 hydroelectric power plant in Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyz President Sadyr Japarov said on Monday.

 “Currently, a feasibility study involving three parties is being developed. It will take a year or two and we will start as soon as it is finished. If other investors want to participate in the construction of  "Kambar-Ata-1", we are ready to agree with the parties. We only need this hydroelectric plant to generate electricity. Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan need water. Therefore, it would be good for both countries to participate and invest in the construction of this hydroelectric power plant,” Zhaparov emphasized.

At the same time, he noted that Kyrgyzstan can build a plant on its own, "but it will  take a lot of time and money."

The HPP will increase the volume of the reservoir available at the Kambar-Ata-2 HPP to 6 billion cubic meters, which will lead to an increase in generation at these plants.

Currently, Kyrgyzstan, which has a significant hydropower potential, is forced to import electricity from neighboring countries, since its capacities cannot cover the needs of the population and the industrial complex. Earlier, Zhaparov specified that the republic would continue the implementation of large hydropower projects, including the construction of the Kambarata HPP-1 and the Upper Naryn HPP cascade.

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