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Uzbekistan begins to compensate Kyrgyzstan for electricity withheld during cold weather from Turkmenistan

22 мая 2023
Views: 144

From January to March, Kyrgyzstan imported 928 million 920.3 thousand kWh of electricity. This was reported in the bulletin of the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic on foreign and mutual trade for January-March 2023.

Compared to last year's figure for January-March, the volume of electricity imports to Kyrgyzstan decreased by 5.7%.

The main volume of electricity for the first three months of this year came from Kazakhstan - more than 485.9 million kWh, or 52.3%. The total cost of Kazakhstani electricity amounted to 1 billion 259 million 961.2 thousand soms. Based on the data presented, the price for 1 kWh averaged 2.59 soms.

Electricity supplies from Turkmenistan have resumed since February. For two months, more than 297.3 million kWh were supplied to Kyrgyzstan, which is almost a third of the total volume (32%). The total cost amounted to 778 million 675.4 thousand soms - an average of 2.6 soms per 1 kWh.

Since March, Kyrgyzstan began to import electricity from Uzbekistan (in previous reports, supplies from the Republic of Uzbekistan did not appear). More than 145.6 1 million kWh were delivered during the month.

It should be noted that in January 2023, electricity was not imported from Turkmenistan. The Ministry of Energy of Kyrgyzstan reported that electricity supplies were temporarily suspended amid the energy crisis in Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan withheld the electricity supplied from Turkmenistan to Kyrgyzstan through its territory and undertook to later refund the withheld amount of electricity to Kyrgyzstan.

On April 15, Kyrgyzstan began to buy electricity from Russia in accordance with an agreement signed by PJSC Inter RAO (RF) and OJSC Electric Stations of the Kyrgyz Republic. Deliveries are carried out in transit through Kazakhstan.

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