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Uzbekistan is developing a low-carbon development strategy

08 июня 2020
Views: 531

In Uzbekistan, will be adopted, the National Low-Carbon Development Strategy which is currently being developed by the country's Ministry of Energy with the involvement of international experts.

The document will reflect the transition to the production of electricity with low greenhouse gas emissions that negatively affect the environment.

In early May, the country adopted the "Concept of supplying the Republic of Uzbekistan with electricity for 2020-2030", which was developed with the participation of the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank. The concept provides for the modernization of existing power plants, the creation of new types of power generation based on renewable energy sources and nuclear power plants. These measures will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 10% by 2030 compared with 2010.

Currently, based on this document, the National Low-Carbon Energy Strategy of Uzbekistan is being developed, in the preparation of which experts from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development are participating. A strategy is necessary to solve the problem of the country's energy supply, on the one hand, and to reduce the negative impact on the environment, on the other.

“The strategy for the transition to low-carbon energy is being developed using the method of modeling the country's energy system and possible future development scenarios. The international consulting company “Corporate Solutions” will do this. In parallel, we are studying the experience of Germany, Japan and Spain. However, it’s necessary to understand that existing foreign experience needs to be adapted for use in the conditions of Uzbekistan. An individual development plan with the maximum use of the best international experience will be selected for our country. The transition to low-carbon energy will make it possible to supply the country with electricity at a steadily high growth rate while improving the quality of life of the population”, said Minister of Energy Alisher Sultanov.

The energy production system in the country that has existed for decades is largely physically and technologically obsolete; its efficiency does not meet modern requirements. This is largely because it is almost completely dependent on natural gas and limited hydropower resources. The solution to the situation lies in the development of alternative types of power generation based on the energy of the sun, wind and water, which relate to methods for generating electricity with low emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2). Also, to the group of energy production with minimal emissions of carbon dioxide belongs nuclear energy, while it is able to provide the country with uninterrupted and high-quality electricity on an industrial scale.

The strategy will reflect three scenarios of the transition to low-carbon energy.  To ensure the effectiveness of the document, special attention will be paid to the development of renewable energy generation, in particular, solar energy. Implementation of the plans will be carried out at the expense of investors. According to the plan, by 2030, Uzbekistan expects the appearance of wind power plants with total capacity of 3 GW, solar power plants with total capacity of 5 GW, as well as nuclear power plants with capacity of 2.4 GW.

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