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Uzbekistan is exploring the possibility of joining the EAEU energy market

08 февраля 2022
Views: 493

Uzbekistan is considering the possibility of joining the common energy market of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), the press service of the country's energy ministry said.

According to her, the department of the energy commission of the Eurasian Economic Commission, within the framework of the joint action plan adopted with the government of Uzbekistan, held a presentation for the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of the prospects for the functioning of the common energy market of the EAEU.

“During the presentation, the parties exchanged views on the possible consequences of the accession of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the common energy market of the EAEU,” the message says. It is noted that as a result of the event, "an agreement was reached on continuing work to deepen integration processes and minimize the negative consequences of joining the union's energy market."

Currently, the energy system of Uzbekistan is part of the inegrated energy system of the South of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, which are members of the EAEU, which, in addition to these countries, includes Russia, Armenia and Belarus. Uzbekistan, along with Moldova and Cuba, has observer status in the EAEU.

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