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Uzbekistan is preparing a Program for the organization of scientific research on the creation of technologies for the production, storage and transportation of hydrogen energy

21 февраля 2022
Views: 653

In Uzbekistan, by May, it is planned to approve the Program for the organization of scientific research on the creation of technologies for the production, storage and transportation of hydrogen energy with a total cost of 10 billion soums.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Energy, in the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026, special attention is paid to the intensive development of hydrogen energy in the country. It is planned to approve by May 2022 the Program for the organization of scientific research on the creation of technologies for the production, storage and transportation of hydrogen energy with a total cost of 10 billion soums.


- 2023-2024, new technologies will be created (adsorbers for hydrogen storage, metal hydride carriers, nanocatalysts for hydrogen production and electrolysis based on solar energy) through the implementation of research projects on materials and technologies of hydrogen energy;

2022-2024, scientific internships for 20 young scientists and specialists will be organized in leading foreign scientific centers and universities in the field of hydrogen energy.

It should be noted that in accordance with the decree of the head of state dated April 9, 2021, the National Research Institute for Renewable Energy Sources was established under the Ministry of Energy, which also includes the Research Center for Hydrogen Energy and the Laboratory for Testing and Certification of Renewable and Hydrogen Energy Technologies.

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