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Uzbekistan leads among the CIS countries in terms of the number of HPPs built over the past 5 years

20 июля 2022
Views: 491

Uzbekistan leads among the CIS countries in terms of the number of new hydroelectric power plants launched over the past 5 years. This was reported by the press service of JSC "Uzbekhydroenergo". Over the past 5 years, 11 new hydroelectric power plants have been put into operation in the republic. Another 9 hydroelectric power plants have been modernized.

In Russia, during the same period, 6 new hydroelectric power plants were launched, in Azerbaijan - 5, in Kazakhstan - 3, in Belarus - 2, in Tajikistan - 1. In Ukraine, in Moldova, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan, not a single hydroelectric power station was built during this time.

Uzbekistan has been actively developing its hydropower sector in recent years. Until 2030, the authorities intend to increase its capacity by 1.7 times - up to 3416 MW through the construction of new and modernization of existing HPPs.

Russia is actively involved in the energy projects of Uzbekistan. The press service of Uzbekhydroenergo JSC reported that in 2020-2022 Power Machines will build and modernize six hydroelectric power plants in Uzbekistan with a capacity of 275 MW and a cost of 138.4 million euros. In particular, Moscow and Tashkent are building the second largest hydroelectric power plant in the Tashkent region - the Pskem hydroelectric power plant.

In October 2021, Power Machines completed the modernization of the Syrdarya thermal power plant, the largest thermal power plant in Uzbekistan. The project, which has been implemented since 2019, provided for the modernization of six power units of the station with an increase in their total capacity from 1.8 thousand MW to 1.95 thousand MW. The cost of the contract with the Russian company on a turnkey basis was $177.1 million.

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